The movie, Swades, was a long way of telling a common story. Boy goes back to visit family, boy meets girl, girl rejects boy, boy helps girl, girl falls in love with boy, boy goes away, boy realizes he would rather be back with girl, boy returns to girl, swelling music, happy ending.
However, even though it was long and not a new story, I feel that it was made in a way that was not boring. It held my attention the entire time; which is more than I can say for some of the other longer movies we have seen in class.
I really liked seeing all the elaborate costumes that are traditional of the Bollywood films. I thought the songs and performances were interesting as well; still, I agree with what Julia had said in class in that for the movie to succeed in the
I found myself having to read the subtitles the entire time. The transition between the languages was very fluid and sometimes the character would have been talking in a different language for a couple of sentences and I would not have realized it yet.
I found the movie entertaining and enlightening. I feel it represented its main points really well.
1 comment:
Try to talk more about the film in specific. Yes, it might be a common story, but the way in which it's been communicated is very different from many other films that rely on a similar plot.
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